Sunday, October 18, 2009

Eating for One

My wife and I work very different schedules, so we are both left to fend for ourselves each night for dinner. I do attempt to forage in the cupboards, but there's never anything "good" in there. It's just too easy to buy a sandwich or something on the way home. But when you add up the total food expense (average of $10 per day x 2 people x 5 days per week = $100/wk or over 5 grand per year), it doesn't make sense to pay all that money for food you're not really enjoying. What's a better way to cook for 1 person? You can only eat so much Chunky Soup before you want something new.

Any suggestions?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mafia Wars Family Members Wanted!

Since I don't maintain a Facebook profile, I play Mafia Wars on Yahoo. Anyone with a Yahoo profile who wants to join my Mafia Wars family, here is my profile. Invite me to connect in Yahoo, and I'll invite you to join my family! Good luck with your virtual criminal enterprise!

You ever wonder...?

When you walk down the sidewalk in any city, do you ever look down and notice all the old chewing gum mashed into the pavement? This may not sound very profund, but bear with me. There are literally thousands of them! Hundreds of thousands. And each black spot on the sidewalk represents some person's chewing gum experience, each with its own story. Did they enjoy their gum that day? What flavor was it? Did they just spit it out, or did they get sticky fingers taking it out of their mouths? Did other pedestrians give them dirty looks when they spit it out? Did some unlucky traveler get it stuck to their shoe before it hardened into a permanent part of the city landscape? Wondrous indeed.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello World!

This is Tom. Welcome to my very own blog! This can be as cool as we want it to be, but I'm just getting into the 21st Century, so it make take a little time. I'll try to post some interesting stuff and invite you to do the same. No real theme, anything that's on your mind. Try to keep it fairly clean, but let's have some fun!