Sunday, October 18, 2009

Eating for One

My wife and I work very different schedules, so we are both left to fend for ourselves each night for dinner. I do attempt to forage in the cupboards, but there's never anything "good" in there. It's just too easy to buy a sandwich or something on the way home. But when you add up the total food expense (average of $10 per day x 2 people x 5 days per week = $100/wk or over 5 grand per year), it doesn't make sense to pay all that money for food you're not really enjoying. What's a better way to cook for 1 person? You can only eat so much Chunky Soup before you want something new.

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Try cooking a couple of meals on the weekend and freezing them for the rest of the week? I dunno just a suggestion, cooking is not my thing, but this would definitely be cheaper and healthier than eating out or microwave dinners.
